Thursday, August 27, 2009

Spider-Man and the Human Torch

Spider-Man and the Human Torch collects Dan Slott's five part miniseries from 2005, with five separate stories of team-ups between the webhead and the hothead. It chronicles the evolution of a friendship through the years - from the squabbling teens of the 1960s to something close to brothers in the pre-reboot 2000s. Each issue evokes a different era of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, marked by changes in their supporting casts, yet the tone rarely strays from pure wacky fun. With one impressive exception.

The collection includes the most poignant tale you will ever read about the most useless super-conveyance in the annals of comicdom: The Spider-Mobile. The real story of why a guy who can swing from a web with the greatest of ease needs a frickin' car is seriously and unexpectedly beautiful, and worth the price of the book all on its own.

Equally worthy of a shout-out is the tome's final issue, a little too talky to be succinctly summarized here, but a great summation of the contrast and the bond between the two titular heroes. From a 2009 standpoint, it serves to reinforce the tragedy of Spider-Man's "Brand New Day" reboot. Not only has Spider-Man lost the life he'd built with Mary Jane (a life that made him the envy of rockstar superhero Johnny Storm), but in forcing the world to forget his secret identity, he's diminished some fantastic friendships (pun intended).

Some may think Spider-Man works best as a tragic loner, but I don't buy it. He's worked hard to forge these relationships, through 40+ years of funny books, and he deserves to enjoy them in full.

And if that weren't enough, Slott even finds a way to incorporate these classic Hostess ads into canon. If that ain't great comics, then I don't know what is.

- JC


  1. JC,
    Thanks for the kind words. If you liked the SPIDER-MAN/HUMAN TORCH mini/hardcover, you should check out the upcoming AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 24/7 HC which includes the two-part Spidey/FF team-up, "FACE FRONT," from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #590 and #591.

    In that tale you'll see that the SPIDEY/FF friendship is restored-- along with Johnny & the FF's memories of ALL their experiences with SPIDEY (including all the events from SPIDER-MAN/HUMAN TORCH).

    BTW, in the current run of ASM, Pete and MJ still had a life together and all of those past stories still happened (though they happened as a "committed couple living together" and not "a married couple living together"). There was a split between the two of them that takes place between OMD and the start of BND. That story has been written and wil see print. In the meantime...

    If you WANT to see the current stories as a "tragedy", that's your opinion-- and an "eye of the beholder" scenario. If you want to ENJOY some good, modern day Spidey stories-- I strongly feel that the entire team on ASM is delivering that with each and every issue 3 times a month! :)
    Dan Slott

  2. As it happens, I've been following Amazing Spider-Man in the hardcover and trade collections as they show up at the bookstore where I work. You and your fellow writers have indeed been telling some great Spidey stories, no doubt about that.

    Do I still see the events of OMD, both on the page and behind the scenes, as tragic? Sure. I grew up with a married Spidey, and happen to be one dorky romantic. I liked that Peter had been allowed to earn the stability of a committed relationship in his life (whatever his & MJ's legal status) and miss that element in your stories today.

    Still, I'm very glad to hear the FF have gotten their memories back (I'll forgive you the spoiler there!), and Pete will have regained that bit of his life at least. Sounds like I'm in for a fun read.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    - JC
