Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm sorry, Greg Rucka

I tried to like Wonder Woman (#195-199), I really did. But honestly, she's kind of an annoying character, her staff isn't much better, and all that stuff with the gods was more interesting on Xena. Sure, the gag about the mock book cover made by her publisher was vaguely funny, if you're into blatant T&A, and her personal chef is an interesting guy to have around, but. I dunno. It's still boring.

Rucka had the perfect opportunity to grab newbies to the book with the introduction of Jonah, a new staff member. We saw him jump into the life of a human in the ambassador's orbit, with only glimpses of the Woman herself, but aside from a single panel of competence, Jonah is a bumbling nerd, struck dumb at the sight of her star-spangled panties. (I can't be the first person ever to type that sentence.) I hoped he'd get better, but in his next appearance, Jonah is late for work because his alarm didn't go off. He wasn't feeding the kids, helping an old lady cross the street, holding up a liquor store or anything else that would require, y'know, personality. He didn't even get a thought bubble to explain that he hit snooze because he was up all night working on his Wonder Woman fanpage. ("here are sum hot new pics & a sotry i wrote about me & her getting MARRIED!!! plz R&R or i wont post chapter 2.")

The other humans aren't much better; the book protest guy isn't so much evil as vaguely irritating (and honestly, I'm not actually sure what it is about Diana's book that he's protesting. Paganism? Lesbianism? Not even Harry Potter protesters were invited to appear on Crossfire, so I don't know why the head of the Campaign to Keep Children Ignorant or whatever it's called is taken so seriously). The doctor lady who threatened the midget (yes, EXACTLY) is clearly Up To No Good, but she doesn't seem to have a motive or an actual plan, so I can't bring myself to care. Diana's staff are overwhelmingly competent and sensible and everyone else they run into is a parody of humanity.

Don't even get me started on Olympus.

The worst part is that I don't have a sense of Diana's actual personality. I'm five issues into Rucka's run and all I know is that she's sweet and genuine and works too hard. She's a paragon, clearly a good, smart lady, and everyone around her loves her or hates her. I was hoping for a little more character (and not so much cleavage, after JC's claim that Drew Johnson was trying to create a WW with reasonable proportions. The most I'll give him is "less outlandish," but that's about it). This is precisely why DC bores me - the heroes are perfect and the humans are predictable.

- RD

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